Balázs is an attorney-at-law, and a qualified and chartered tax advisor. He has gained more than 25 years experience in tax planning in connection with domestic and cross-border transactions, mergers & acquisitions, transfer pricing and operating model effectiveness, global wealth management and private client services. with domestic and cross-border transactions, mergers & acquisitions, transfer pricing and operating model effectiveness, global wealth management and private client services.

Balázs studied at and graduated from Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Law. He holds degrees from the University for Economic Studies in Vienna in Austrian and international tax law, he also studied at New York University international and US tax law and at the University of Sorbonne European tax law. He earned an LL.M. degree in international tax law in Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration and a PhD degree at Pázmány Péter University, Faculty of Law.

Professional experience and affiliations
Balázs began his career at BDO Austria where he started learning the profession of tax advisory. During the course of his training, besides participating in the advisory work, he was also trained in accounting. He joined Deloitte Hungary in 2003 and worked for more than 10 years at Deloitte also as partner in charge for the Hungarian tax department (2000-2003) and head of international tax services in Central Europe (2003-2005). He had several secondments abroad, including London, New York and Paris. In 2005, Balázs joined the European Commissioner for Taxation and Customs Union of the European Union. In 2007, Balázs rejoined Deloitte and created and headed the International Tax Practice of Deloitte Russia and CIS. Between 2009 and 2013, Balázs worked for Wolf Theiss Law Firm as head of tax for Hungary. In 2014, Balázs was asked to establish the CEE practice of Ryan Tax, an international US tax brand, as practice leader for Hungary and Central and Eastern Europe. In 2015, Balázs established BékésPartners.

Balázs has been admitted to the Hungarian Bar and is a chartered international tax advisor. He is a Trust and Estate Practitioner (TEP) and a full member of the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP) as well as a Board Member of STEP Hungary. Furthermore, he is an Assistant Professor in the financial law department at Pázmány Péter University.

Publications and seminars
Balázs has given presentations at numerous seminars and conferences and has published several articles and chapters in different books both in Hungary and abroad.

Hungarian, English, German, French

Balazs is an attorney-at-law, economist and a qualified and chartered tax advisor. Balázs gained more than 12 years’ experience in domestic and cross- border/international tax advisory/planning, mergers&acquisitions, transfer pricing and operating model effectiveness, global wealth management, private client services, tax accounting and tax technology.

Studied at and graduated from University of Szeged, Faculty of Law (MSc and LLM in law – 2006) and Faculty of Economics (MA in Economics – 2010). Holds degrees from the TODAI University of Tokyo, Japan, Faculty of International Legal Studies.

Professional experience and affiliations
Associate at Hogan Lovells LLP, Senior Tax Consultant at Deloitte Hungary, International Tax Department, then Senior Associate at Wolf Theiss Law Firm. Director at the international tax firm Ryan in Hungary, then Head of the European International Tax practice. Full member and Trust and Estate Practitioner (TEP) of Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP).

Hungarian, English. Italian

Tibor is an economist with a major in financial asset management. He also has a banking and insurance and a CEFA Investment Analyst qualification. He has been dealing with investments for more than 15 years and has an active client portfolio in the financial and insurance markets, and he has successfully helped its clients both in the economic downturn in the credit market in 2008 and in the 2020 pandemic crisis, as well as in the 2022 war crisis. In the course of its activities, it manages both private and legal entities as well as foundations in the full range of capital markets.

Tibor graduated from the Corvinus University of Budapest – Department of Economics and Management, where he wrote his dissertation comparing the operations of the American and Hungarian central banks. He also qualified as an Asset, Fund Portfolio and Qualified Investment Adviser and as a CEFA Investment Analyst at the International Banking Institute. He also holds an official exam in financial and insurance intermediation, while also successfully completing a course in Financial Markets at Yale University.

Tibor is responsible for donations at the CoGoodwill social enterprise, helping their disadvantaged compatriots to implement various projects in the Carpathian Basin.

Hungarian, English

Zsolt graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Eötvös Loránd University in 2018. He spent a semester at the Yeditepe University in Istanbul in 2014 and at the University of Lisbon (ULisboa) in 2015. During his university studies, he was a history teacher in the FEB’93 Youth Educational Foundation and a member of the Foreign Affairs Circle. He successfully passed his bar exam in 2022.

Professional experience
Between 2016 and 2022, Zsolt worked as a trainee and then as a junior attorney-at-law at Buzády & Udvari Law Office, mainly in corporate, real estate, employment and other civil law matters. He had also spent time abroad, in 2015 as a research assistant at the Erik Castrén Institute (ECI), part of the University of Helsinki, and in 2018 as a project officer at the CRC Policy Center “Hope For Children” in Nicosia, working on various projects.

From 2022, as a member of the budlegal Law Firm, he had provided legal advice to and represented domestic and international clients, mainly business entities. He joined the SQN Trust team in January 2024.

Hungarian, English

Kinga is an economist with a major in corporate finance, she is graduated from the Corvinius University of Budapest at the Faculty of Business Administration in 2008. She completed the chartered accountant course in 2010 and became a registered charted accountant.

Professional experience
Kinga started her career at Deloitte Hungary as an auditor where she coordinated various audits and served clients in different industries (primarily financial and service sector). In 2012 she joined to Aegon CEE BV Hungarian Branch Office (headquarter of Aegon’s East Central European Region) where she has gained 7 years experience in connection to controlling and financial roles. Since 2019 she worked as a CFO at Wáberer Hungary Insurance Company till she joined the team of SQN Trust.

Hungarian, English

Mark studied humanities at the Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church (Hungarian Literature and Linguistics)
and at the University of Pécs (Liberal Arts), and is currently a student at the Faculty of Law at Pázmány Péter Catholic University.

Professional Experience
Mark always lived in the attraction of the law through his family, and has been working for lawyers for several years. His main task
is to manage and coordinate the office, as well as to prepare and assist for more effective legal work; editing of legal documents, related administrative and IT tasks.

Hungarian, English


Balázs ügyvéd és bejegyzett, okleveles adótanácsadó. Több, mint két évtizedes szakmai tapasztalattal rendelkezik a magyar és a nemzetközi adótanácsadás terén. Karrierje során az adózás szinte összes aspektusával foglalkozott, ügyfeleit pedig számos különböző tranzakcióban segítette. A teljesség igénye nélkül ide tartoznak az átvilágítások, vagy a hazai, és a határokon átnyúló fúziók és felvásárlások strukturálása. A társaságokon túlmenően magánszemélyeket és családokat is segít a vagyonuk adóhatékony strukturálásában és jövendő generációk részére való megőrzésében.

Az Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem Jogi Karán végzett summa cum laude minősítéssel. Tanulmányokat folytatott osztrák és nemzetközi adójogból a bécsi Közgazdaságtudományi Egyetemen, továbbá amerikai adójogot hallgatott az NYU-n, európai adójogot pedig a Sorbonne-on tanult. MAS és LL.M. fokozatát a Bécsi Közgazdasági Egyetemen nemzetközi adójogból szerezte, PhD tudományos fokozatát pedig a Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem Jogi Karán tette le.

Szakmai tapasztalatok és tagságok
Balázs a BDO Austria-nál kezdte pályafutását és az adótanácsadói szakmát. Az adótanácsadói mellett számviteli képzésben is részt vett. 2003-ban csatlakozott a Deloitte Magyarország csapatához és 13 évet töltött a Deloitte kötelékében, melynek során többek között az adóosztály vezető partnere és az igazgatóság tagja is volt. Számos külföldi irodában dolgozott, így többek között Londonban, New York-ban és Párizsban. 2005-ben az Európai Bizottság adójogi biztosának kabinettagjaként tevékenykedett, adózásért és vámokért felelt. 2007-ben visszatért a Deloitte-hoz, ahol az orosz iroda Nemzetközi Adóosztályának létrehozásával és vezetésével bízták meg. Magyarországra visszatérve a Wolf Theiss Ügyvédi Iroda adópartnereként, a regionális adójogi üzletágat vezette, majd a Ryan amerikai adótanácsadó cég magyar irodáját állította fel. Balázs 2015-ben önállósította magát, és megalapította a BékésPartners-t.

Balázs tagja a Magyar Ügyvédi Kamarának, okleveles nemzetközi adótanácsadó. Bizalmi vagyonkezelő (TEP) és teljes jogú tagja a Bizalmi Vagyonkezelők Társaságának (STEP), ahol elnökségi tag is. A Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem Pénzügyi Jogi Tanszékének docense.

Publikációk és előadások
Balázs számos szemináriumon és konferencián tart előadásokat és sok magyar és idegen nyelvű cikket, könyvfejezetet jegyez.

magyar, angol, német, francia


Balázs ügyvéd, közgazdász, valamint bejegyzett, okleveles adótanácsadó. Több mint 12 év szakmai tapasztalattal rendelkezik hazai és nemzetközi/határokon átnyúló adótervezés, fúziók és akvizíciók, transzferárazás és működésfejlesztés, hatékonyságnövelés terén, valamint globális vagyonkezelésben, magánszemélyeknek való tanácsadásban és adótechnológiai-tervezésben.

A Szegedi Tudományegyetem Jogi Karán (MSc és LLM – 2006), valamint a Közgazdaságtudományi Karán (MA Gazdaságtanból – 2010) szerzett diplomát. További tanulmányokat folytatott a tokiói TODAI Egyetemen, Nemzetközi Jogi Tanulmányok szakon.

Szakmai tapasztalat, tagságok
Ügyvédjelölt a Hogan Lovells-nél, senior adótanácsadó a Deloitte Magyarország Nemzetközi Adó osztályán, majd szenior ügyvéd a Faludi Wolf Theiss Ügyvédi Irodánál. Igazgató a globális adótanácsadással foglalkozó Ryan magyarországi irodájának Nemzetközi Adóosztályán, majd itt az európai Nemzetközi Adó praxis vezetője. Bizalmi vagyonkezelő (TEP) és teljes jogú tagja a Bizalmi Vagyonkezelők Társaságának (STEP).

magyar, angol, olasz

Tibor közgazdász, akinek fő szakterülete a pénzügyi vagyonkezelés, ezen felül a banki- és biztosítási képesítést, valamint a CEFA Befektetési Elemző diplomát is megszerezte. Több mint másfél évtizede foglalkozik befektetésekkel, továbbá a pénzügyi és biztosítási piacon is aktív ügyfélportfólióval rendelkezik, ügyfeleit mind a 2008. évi hitelpiaci gazdasági dekonjunktúrában, mind a 2020. évi pandémiás- és a 2022. évi háborús válságban sikerrel segítette. Tevékenysége során magán és jogi személyeket, továbbá alapítványokat teljes tőkepiaci spektrumban menedzsel.

A Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem - Gazdaság és menedzsment szakán szerzett diplomát, ahol szakdolgozatát az amerikai és magyar jegybank műveleteinek összehasonlításából írta, továbbá a Nemzetközi Bankárképző Intézetben a Vagyon-, Alap- Portfólió és Minősített Befektetési Tanácsadó minősítést, illetve a CEFA Befektetés elemző diplomát is megszerezte. Ezeken felül a pénzügyi és biztosítás-közvetítői hatósági vizsgával is rendelkezik, míg a Yale Egyetem Financial Markets kurzusát is sikeresen teljesítette.

CoGoodwill társadalmi vállalkozás adományozásokért felelős vezetője, amely keretein belül hátrányos helyzetben élő honfitársaikat segítik a Kárpát-medencében különböző projektek megvalósításával.

magyar, angol


Zsolt az Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem Állam- és Jogtudományi Karán szerzett jogi diplomát 2018-ban. 2014-ben az isztambuli Yeditepe Egyetemen, 2015-ben pedig a Lisszaboni Egyetemen (ULisboa) töltött egy-egy szemesztert. Egyetemi tanulmányai során a Felvételi Előkészítő Bizottságban történelmet tanított és a Külügyi Kör tagja volt. Jogi szakvizsgáját 2022-ben szerezte.

Szakmai tapasztalatok
Zsolt 2016 és 2022 között először gyakornokként, majd ügyvédjelöltként a Buzády és Udvari Ügyvédi Irodában foglalkozott elsősorban társasági jogi-, ingatlanjogi-, munkajogi- és egyéb polgári jogi ügyekkel. Több időt töltött külföldön is, 2015-ben a Helsinki Egyetem részét képező Erik Castrén Institute-ban (ECI) kutatóasszisztensként működött közre tanulmányok készítésében, 2018-ban pedig a nicosiai „Hope For Children”​ CRC Policy Centerben projektfelelősként dolgozott különféle programokban.

2022-től a budlegal Ügyvédi Társulás tagjaként mint ügyvéd nyújtott jogi tanácsadást és látott el jogi képviseletet belföldi és nemzetközi ügyfelei, elsősorban vállalkozások részére. Az SQN Trust csapatához 2024 januárjában csatlakozott.

magyar, angol


Kinga a Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem Gazdálkodástudományi karán, Vállalati Pénzügy szakirányon szerzett közgazdász diplomát. Kinga bejegyzett mérlegképes könyvelő, amely képzést 2010-ben végezte.

Szakmai tapasztalatok
Kinga a Deloitte Magyarországnál kezdte szakmai pályafutását 2008-ban a könyvvizsgálat területén, ahol elsődlegesen a pénzügyi és a szolgáltató szektorok vonatkozásában szolgált ki ügyféligényeket különböző auditokon való részvétellel, illetve azok koordinálásával. Kinga 2012-ben csatlakozott az Aegon CEE BV Magyarországi Fióktelepéhez (az Aegon kelet-közép európai regionális központja), ahol 7 év tapasztaltot szerzett pénzügyi és kontrolling területen. 2019-től a Wáberer Hungária Biztosító Zrt. Gazdasági igazgatói pozícióját töltötte be, majd 2022 májusában csatlakozott az SQN Trust csapatához.

magyar, angol


Márk bölcsészetet hallgatott a Károli Gáspár Református Egyetemen (magyar irodalom és nyelvészet) és a Pécsi Tudományegyetemen (szabad bölcsészet), jelenleg a Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem joghallgatója.

Szakmai tapasztalat
Márk családja révén mindig is a jog vonzáskörében élt, ügyvédeknek több éve dolgozik. Fő feladata az adminisztráció és az irodai koordináció, valamint a minél hatékonyabb jogi munka előkészítése és segítése; a kapcsolódó ügyintézési és informatikai feladatok ellátása.

Magyar, Angol



MNB engedélyszám:

© 2022 SQN Trust Zrt. Minden jog fenntartva.

Company Registration Number:

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© 2022 SQN Trust Zrt. All rights reserved.


Balázs is an attorney-at-law, and a qualified and chartered tax advisor. He has gained more than 25 years experience in tax planning in connection with domestic and cross-border transactions, mergers & acquisitions, transfer pricing and operating model effectiveness, global wealth management and private client services. with domestic and cross-border transactions, mergers & acquisitions, transfer pricing and operating model effectiveness, global wealth management and private client services.

Balázs studied at and graduated from Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Law. He holds degrees from the University for Economic Studies in Vienna in Austrian and international tax law, he also studied at New York University international and US tax law and at the University of Sorbonne European tax law. He earned an LL.M. degree in international tax law in Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration and a PhD degree at Pázmány Péter University, Faculty of Law.

Professional experience and affiliations
Balázs began his career at BDO Austria where he started learning the profession of tax advisory. During the course of his training, besides participating in the advisory work, he was also trained in accounting. He joined Deloitte Hungary in 2003 and worked for more than 10 years at Deloitte also as partner in charge for the Hungarian tax department (2000-2003) and head of international tax services in Central Europe (2003-2005). He had several secondments abroad, including London, New York and Paris. In 2005, Balázs joined the European Commissioner for Taxation and Customs Union of the European Union. In 2007, Balázs rejoined Deloitte and created and headed the International Tax Practice of Deloitte Russia and CIS. Between 2009 and 2013, Balázs worked for Wolf Theiss Law Firm as head of tax for Hungary. In 2014, Balázs was asked to establish the CEE practice of Ryan Tax, an international US tax brand, as practice leader for Hungary and Central and Eastern Europe. In 2015, Balázs established BékésPartners.

Balázs has been admitted to the Hungarian Bar and is a chartered international tax advisor. He is a Trust and Estate Practitioner (TEP) and a full member of the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP) as well as a Board Member of STEP Hungary. Furthermore, he is an Assistant Professor in the financial law department at Pázmány Péter University.

Publications and seminars
Balázs has given presentations at numerous seminars and conferences and has published several articles and chapters in different books both in Hungary and abroad.

Hungarian, English, German, French


Balazs is an attorney-at-law, economist and a qualified and chartered tax advisor. Balázs gained more than 12 years’ experience in domestic and cross- border/international tax advisory/planning, mergers&acquisitions, transfer pricing and operating model effectiveness, global wealth management, private client services, tax accounting and tax technology.

Studied at and graduated from University of Szeged, Faculty of Law (MSc and LLM in law – 2006) and Faculty of Economics (MA in Economics – 2010). Holds degrees from the TODAI University of Tokyo, Japan, Faculty of International Legal Studies.

Professional experience and affiliations
Associate at Hogan Lovells LLP, Senior Tax Consultant at Deloitte Hungary, International Tax Department, then Senior Associate at Wolf Theiss Law Firm. Director at the international tax firm Ryan in Hungary, then Head of the European International Tax practice. Full member and Trust and Estate Practitioner (TEP) of Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP).

Hungarian, English. Italian

Tibor is an economist with a major in financial asset management. He also has a banking and insurance and a CEFA Investment Analyst qualification. He has been dealing with investments for more than 15 years and has an active client portfolio in the financial and insurance markets, and he has successfully helped its clients both in the economic downturn in the credit market in 2008 and in the 2020 pandemic crisis, as well as in the 2022 war crisis. In the course of its activities, it manages both private and legal entities as well as foundations in the full range of capital markets.

Tibor graduated from the Corvinus University of Budapest - Department of Economics and Management, where he wrote his dissertation comparing the operations of the American and Hungarian central banks. He also qualified as an Asset, Fund Portfolio and Qualified Investment Adviser and as a CEFA Investment Analyst at the International Banking Institute. He also holds an official exam in financial and insurance intermediation, while also successfully completing a course in Financial Markets at Yale University.

Tibor is responsible for donations at the CoGoodwill social enterprise, helping their disadvantaged compatriots to implement various projects in the Carpathian Basin.

Hungarian, English


Zsolt graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Eötvös Loránd University in 2018. He spent a semester at the Yeditepe University in Istanbul in 2014 and at the University of Lisbon (ULisboa) in 2015. During his university studies, he was a history teacher in the FEB’93 Youth Educational Foundation and a member of the Foreign Affairs Circle. He successfully passed his bar exam in 2022.

Professional experience
Between 2016 and 2022, Zsolt worked as a trainee and then as a junior attorney-at-law at Buzády & Udvari Law Office, mainly in corporate, real estate, employment and other civil law matters. He had also spent time abroad, in 2015 as a research assistant at the Erik Castrén Institute (ECI), part of the University of Helsinki, and in 2018 as a project officer at the CRC Policy Center “Hope For Children” in Nicosia, working on various projects.

From 2022, as a member of the budlegal Law Firm, he had provided legal advice to and represented domestic and international clients, mainly business entities. He joined the SQN Trust team in January 2024.

Hungarian, English


Kinga is an economist with a major in corporate finance, she is graduated from the Corvinius University of Budapest at the Faculty of Business Administration in 2008. She completed the chartered accountant course in 2010 and became a registered charted accountant.

Professional experience
Kinga started her career at Deloitte Hungary as an auditor where she coordinated various audits and served clients in different industries (primarily financial and service sector). In 2012 she joined to Aegon CEE BV Hungarian Branch Office (headquarter of Aegon’s East Central European Region) where she has gained 7 years experience in connection to controlling and financial roles. Since 2019 she worked as a CFO at Wáberer Hungary Insurance Company till she joined the team of SQN Trust.

Hungarian, English


Mark studied humanities at the Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church (Hungarian Literature and Linguistics) and at the University of Pécs (Liberal Arts), and is currently a student at the Faculty of Law at Pázmány Péter Catholic University.

Professional Experience
Mark always lived in the attraction of the law through his family, and has been working for lawyers for several years. His main task is to manage and coordinate the office, as well as to prepare and assist for more effective legal work; editing of legal documents, related administrative and IT tasks.

Hungarian, English